Experience & quality you can count on!

Our service & high standards makes us a good choice

The company objective is to provide the best quality service and technical support available today in our industry.

Located in Cobble Hill, BC, we are perfectly situated to accommodate all of Vancouver Island.

We have the most experienced sales staff with sales reps to serve all locations on the island as well as the most experienced truss designers and production employees in the business.

Service any project size or complexity level

Our experience in design can ensure the most efficiently designed truss systems, keeping our clients’ projects on budget. If you need assistance on design or solving engineering issues, we have the team to help you. Consider us for your next project.

Production capabilities

We’ve increased our production capabilities which reduces our lead time significantly. We can also deliver directly to the job site. The manufacturing plant has been updated with new, state of the art saws and automated jigging tables. Our delivery fleet has also been updated with the addition of two new long reach crane trucks.

Our Value


We have state of the art automation to serve all our clients needs.

Victoria Truss

We strive to continuously improve the production of our product throughout the plant.

Our Value

Automation helps us to be more efficient, improves quality, reduces lead times, and increase safety for our employees. 

  • Vision

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  • Mission

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At Victoria Truss, we have our own fleet of crane delivery vehicles.

Our Value

Depending on the size and scope of the truss package, truss delivery is usually completed within an hour. It is because of our fleet that we can ensure prompt delivery of our products.

Not having to rely on contract haulers to deliver our products gives us the ability to better schedule our deliveries to meet our clients time frame

  • Vision

    Nullam in malesuada mauris ut phasellus class sociosqu elementum morbi purus cursus

  • Mission

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Proud Member of the WWTA of BC

As a member of the Western Wood Truss Association, our production facilities and manufacturing methods are audited

biannually by an independent engineering inspection service to ensure adherence to industry standards.

Our Value

We adhere to complete weekly self inspections to ensure membership.

The company objective is to provide the best quality service and technical support available today in our industry.

We consistently exceed Quality requirements from the Western Wood Truss Association and have also done so numerous times over the past 20 years. We have many satisfied customers and strive to increase our customer satisfaction to the highest level in our industry.

  • Vision

    Nullam in malesuada mauris ut phasellus class sociosqu elementum morbi purus cursus

  • Mission

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisi cing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut abore et dolore magna

Our Business

Cleaner Energy for a Cleaner World

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Carbon Offsets

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Proud Member of the WWTA of BC

We adhere to complete weekly self inspections to ensure membership. The company objective is to provide the best quality service and technical support available today in our industry. We consistently exceed Quality requirements from the Western Wood Truss Association and have also done so numerous times over the past 20 years. We have many satisfied customers and strive to increase our customer satisfaction to the highest level in our industry.
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Happy Client

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Wind Farms

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Solar Farm


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Join Us

We offer estimates on all our products

We proudly serve all of Vancouver Island and the Gulf Islands, with three offices located in Victoria, Cumberland and Cobble Hill. Our head office and manufacturing plant is in Cobble Hill at 3605 Cobble Hill Rd.

Are you interested in applying for credit?

Victoria Truss is happy to accommodate local businesses in need of setting up an account. Simply click on the button to the right to download our credit application and bring it in to our office to start the process. New accounts are subject to approval.